Published Poetry

I Tap into Myself poem available from 2023  NoVa Bards Anthology

UnderCover poem available from NoVa Bards/Gathering Poetry Anthology August 2023

Sledgehammer Literary published The Proof is in the Posset in their winter 2022 edition

In October 2021, Agape Review published my contrapuntal poem, Trinity

Pairings/Parings, on the theme of Love, is included in Songs of Eretz Poetry Reviews July 2021 issue

The Line from Chicken to Cheesecake published in June 2021 by 86 Logic

Just Desserts was published in Wine Cellar Press's third issue in mid-March 2021 and will be in their end-of-year anthology

Yes published in Paper Dragon, the online literary journal of the MFA program at Drexel University in March 2021

FEED, a weekly flash lit magazine of poetry & prose, published Bill the Canary Waits for Spring and Two Paths of Thomcord Grapes in January 2021

Poem The Last of the Dragon's Blood  published in Stillpoint, the University of Georgia's literary magazine, on their website in January 2021

Lemonade. No Ice published in Last Leaves Magazine in November 2020

Just Noticeable Difference published in the Boston Literary Magazine's July 2020 issue

U.S. 1 Worksheets published my poem Name Change in their yearly Spring issue released in their Summer 2020 issue

From Panoply in their May 2020 issue, Armchair Tourist

In UK journal, The Lake, poem Third Furnace was published in March 2020

Two poems (Why He Wants to Be the Poet in Les Sylphides in Your Life and Tor) were published by the Irish poetry journal Blue Nib in Issue 40 2020

Neologism Poetry Review published Parade in their January 2020 issue

The new UK literary journal, Poetica Review, published Anyone Home? in their Summer 2020 issue

The Bethlehem Writers Roundtable published On the Luck Stone Bridge Turn-Off No One Uses Anymore in their 2020 Winter issue

Gnashing Teeth Publishing published my poem From Apples to Apple Butter in their anthology Heat the Grease, We're Frying Up Some Poetry released Fall 2019

May 2019 My Breath Has Antlers published in issue 39 of Qwerty: University of New Brunswick Department of English, Canada

April 2019 Pierogies, a 10-word Story, was published in Dime Store Review

January 2019  Issue 37.2  I Turn Myself Around and Hardening Off published in Poetry South, Mississippi Women's University Mississippi University for Women

July 2018 37 Confluence published in Existere, the literary journal of York University, Canada

April 2018 House for Sale poem published in The Northern Virginia Review